Does your company have high employee turnover?

We know that recruiting a person has a high initial cost for companies.

All the time invested in searching for the ideal candidate, on free and paid platforms, recruitment companies, social networks and other channels; welcoming employees; Initial formation; among other costs.

Therefore, the longer we can retain good employees, the better and more profitable the company will be!


How to increase employee retention?

To retain employees, it is crucial that the human resources department is equipped with tools and instruments that allow for better monitoring and evaluation of employee satisfaction. In other words, instruments that, in a predictive way, allow us to improve and support decision-making in this area.

It is crucial that companies manage the turnover rate, an indicator that allows employees to measure turnover.


If employees are very satisfied, the likelihood of leaving the company is lower. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the factors (drivers) that influence employee satisfaction.


Some of the factors that influence employee satisfaction:

  • Maturity,
  • Environment in the company,
  • Dealing with managers,
  • Relationship with colleagues,
  • Daily challenge of the projects you have in hand,
  • Flexibility of schedules,
  • Work regime,
  • Advantages offered by the company,
  • Ease of combining professional and personal life,
  • Daily learning,
  • Between others.

Therefore, these are some of the factors that must be evaluated and considered to increase customer retention.



Retain the best employees

It’s important to reduce company turnover, right!

That is, we identified that one of our employees is at risk of leaving the company in the coming months. In this sense, we must make the most appropriate decision in order to lead to their retention, which will be good for both the company and the employee.


To know which employees we need to retain and how we should do it, we can evaluate some strategic variables that will help in monitoring and controlling human resources.


Some examples of strategic variables:

  • Turnover/Churn – variable that measures the risk of an employee leaving;
  • Performance – variable that classifies an employee’s performance into levels;
  • Leadership – variable that measures the impact that leadership has on the two previous variables


Some advantages of predictive analysis for the area of human resources and turnover management:

  • Increased employee retention (reduced turnover rate),
  • Reduction of costs in recruiting new employees,
  • Decision-making support instrument,
  • Instrument that allows you to make informed decisions to define recruitment policy,
  • Understanding of organizational structures,
  • Forecasting resource and team sizing needs in companies.


In short, using various big data and advanced analysis techniques, predictive analysis and the PSE Business Statistics solution, PSE helps to find which profiles are most at risk of abandonment and how long they will remain in the organization. In addition to this information, PSE provides information that indicates which employees should focus retention efforts according to their performance and possibility of turnover.

PSE provides information in a simple way, providing key insights for proactive action.


PSE’s human resources consultancy projects and turnover solution help companies optimize human resources, allowing increased happiness at work, and thus, employee retention.


Find out how PSE can help your company!


PSE is a company specializing in Data Science and Advanced Research, which has been on the market since 1994. In its day-to-day activities, it is dedicated to providing relevant data and developing tailor-made analytical solutions, transforming data into knowledge.


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