Fidelidade wins Escolha de Excellentia 2023 award
Escolha de Excellentia Award evaluates and rewards the best that exists on the market, in terms of customer-oriented management. Distinguishing brands, which occupy the first sectorial places in the National Index of Performance and Customer Centricity Management, a ranking on management practices centered on the customer.
Fidelidade won the Escolha de Excellentia 2023 award, being one of the companies in Portugal with more consumer-oriented management practices. In addition to the “Escolha de Excellentia” seal, it received a complete evaluation report on the brand’s Customer Centric performance, which according to Carlos Gomes, PSE COO “is an excellent competitive advantage that allows identifying what is being done well and what can be improved in terms of customer-centric management”.
According to Carlos Gomes, PSE COO “this award is a recognition for the entities that are effectively working with a focus on the consumer”.
Escolha de Excellentia Award, promoted by Consumer Choice and developed in partnership with PSE, is the only one in Portugal that recognizes companies that stand out for their Customer Centric performance.
Discover Escolha de Excellentia Award: